Product Videos

Below are product videos with each giving you a brief overview, branding ideas & examples of how clients used these products to promote their business or event.

The videos below can also be accessed through the page for the relevant product. These videos have no information in them about our company so they are suitable for showing to your clients.

These product videos are also available on the True Collection website so that your clients can view them without any references to Results Sales Promotion. (See the left menu item for more details.)

Instructions: Click on any link below to open the video window and then close the window to return to this page.

Australia Day Card
Launch sales after the Christmas holidays with an Australia Day card with a sunscreen sachet inside. Its a unique way to remind customers to pick up the phone and do business with you.
Sound Card
Launch your big idea in 10 seconds flat - talk to your customers from a sound card. Perfect for invitations, new product launches & direct sales. They'll replay it and remember you.
Jelly Bean Brochure
Deliver your sales message on a carton of jelly beans. It stays on a customers desk and they read it daily. Keep your name there for months by sending them refills.
Jelly Bean Brochure:
Case Study

Power Access used Internet lead generation and
jars of jelly beans to open doors, grab attention,
and launch a company.
Dispenser with Customised Labels
A simple way to keep your name at your customers fingertips - labels personalised with their name in a dispenser with your name.
Lipbalm Sticks
Popular all year round, its a standout item when used to carry your brand. Most people will carry a lipbalm with them and every time they use it they will see your message!
Lipbalms for Trade Shows
Dominate your next trade show - have every visitor wear your brand on their lanyard. And use the clip top lipbalm as a gift to attract the buyers on your stand.
Christmas Sunscreen Sachets
Give staff members and your customers a gift at Christmas - a sachet of sunscreen, printed with your Christmas greeting and logo. They'll think of you even when they're having a break.
Sunscreen Sachets
A perfect promo for outdoor events golf, trade shows, field days. Protect the crowd and promote your brand with the one shot sunscreen for each person.
Sunscreen Tubes
Most people buy sunscreen so why not give your customers a tube of SPF50+ sunscreen lotion labelled with your name, logo & message?
Learn about two great personal promo items - one for hands and face and one for mobile phone screens.
Treasure Chest with Keys
Learn how to attract visitors at trade shows or buyers to retail stores with the treasure chest and key promo.
Treasure Chest Case Study:

ME Electrical placed a treasure chest with 55 prizes in their showroom. They direct mailed 5000 keys to customers on their data base and attracted 600 to try & win prizes over 30 days.
Treasure Chest Case Study:
Trade Show

Semco Earthmoving attended a 3 day trade show. With a treasure chest and 15 prizes inside, they gave away 1,000 keys and attracted 647 visitors to their stand. Very Happy!








Australia Day Card promotion










Sunscreen Tubes promotion










Treasure Chest promotion










Customised labels